Monday, August 24, 2009

Triple-Citrus Cupcake

It amazes why more people who like sweets don't bake. All you need is time and love. My father is one of the best cooks I know and he creates the most delicious dishes because he puts love into the food that will feed his family.

Anna took the reigns on this cupcake; it was that simple. Whisk flour and salt, cream 4 sticks of butter and sugar, add the zests of lemons, limes and oranges with the vanilla, and lastly, 9, count them 9 eggs are beat into the batter. Baked for 10 minutes, rotated, then baked for 7 more.
Citrus Glaze:
Loved the simplicity of this glaze! Confectioners' suagar, grated citrus zest, and citrus juice are all you need to create the tart, sweet topping to complement the perfect cupcake.